Life And Destiny

Dear Venerables and Dharma Friends:

With the ripening of many causal conditions, we, as in the previous year, are holding this Dharma Propagation Service in Northern Taiwan. Apart from expressing my gratitude for the blessing of the Buddha, I also would like to thank all of you for coming.

Today is the first day of the lecture series. What I would like to discuss with you is "the Buddhist Perspective on Life and Destiny." Of all the issues that we have, we are most concerned with those relating to us. Of all our concerns, the biggest concern relates to our destiny. Each of us has a different opinion on the question of destiny. Some people, when face to face with hardship, will often complain bitterly about their ill fate. Others believe in destiny and that our circumstances, be they good or bad, are pre-determined. Some people accept their difficult circumstances. Others are content with what they have; they are optimists and live carefree lives. Regardless of whether we find ourselves down in a rut or up in the stratosphere, we should not be passive and just accept our destiny. We should build our destiny. When we talk about the Buddhist perspective on life and destiny, there are four areas to discuss.

I. Why Does Destiny Exist?

Many events in our lives can change our destinies. For some, their lives are changed because of a certain person. For others, their lives are turned around because of a dollar. There are some others who took a different course in life because of an event. Even a word or a thought can cause drastic changes in people's lives. The impetus, though trivial in itself, can cause tremendous impact. It is like a pebble thrown into the sea. A pebble is small, but the ripples it causes can permeate the entire surface. Similarly, a person or a thought can generate vastly different changes in one's destiny.

A. How a Person Can Change Another's Destiny

Take the example of San-kuei Wu of the Ming Dynasty. When he learned that the rebel bandit Chih-ch'eng Li kidnapped his beautiful mistress Yuan-yuan Chen Li, he was enraged and asked the tribe of Manchus for assistance. He opened the gates of the Great Wall of China and led the Manchus inside the country. Although he defeated the bandits and reclaimed his mistress, his destiny was totally changed, and he went down in history as a traitor. China once again came under foreign rule; Chinese history was rewritten. Edward VIII, the Duke of Windsor of England, abdicated his throne for the love of Mrs. Simpson. In "forsaking his country for the love of a woman," his life was completely changed. Mr. Ling-fei Chou, the grandson of the famous Chinese author Hsun Lu, fled China so that he could marry Ms. Ch'un-hua Chang of Taiwan. In so doing, many opportunities were opened up, thereby establishing a bright future for himself.

There are countless examples of how lives are changed because of the love for a certain person. Some parents sacrifice their entire lifetimes for the love of their children. In China, there is the legend of Mrs. Ch'un-e Wang who remained a widow for life to raise her son. When her son became a successful government official, she was able to enjoy the fruits of her success. Many children also give up their futures to care for their aged parents. In order to respect their parents' wishes, they put aside their own ambitions, live out the rest of their lives quietly, and forsake an otherwise promising career. During the course of Chinese history, there were many loyal government officials and soldiers who were willing to repay the favors of the emperors and their lords by giving up their lives. During the Warring States period, a warrior named Jang Yu wished to repay his late lord Po Chih for understanding and giving him opportunities. He swallowed charcoal to alter his voice, painted his body to disguise himself, and assassinated Hsiang-tzu Chao, his late lord's enemy. Afterward he turned his sword on himself and died. In history books there are also untold cases of women who make tremendous sacrifices for the men they love; yet their lives ended in tragedy because their lovers were of unsavory character. For example, there was a woman named Hsiao-yu Huo; she was fiercely in love with I-ch'ing Li and thought they would live happily ever after. Little did she know that I-ch�ing Li would leave her one day. Dear audience, is there someone who has made a significant impact on your life? Maybe someone you love? Maybe someone you hate? Destiny can change just because of one single person.

B. How a Dollar Can Change One's Destiny

A dollar can also change our destinies. The legendary Henry Ford left home at an early age to seek his own fortune. With the one dollar his father gave him, he built an automobile empire. He started the world famous Ford Motor Company and made a name for himself in history.

There is a story that during the Second World War, a young soldier saved a woman from suicide by pulling her out of the water. Instead of thanking him, the woman cursed the young soldier. After some patient inquiry, the woman then told him her tragic life story. As it turned out, her husband was framed and was sent to prison for something he did not do. She was left alone and penniless to tend to her husband's sick parents and the three young children. To buy medication for her sick mother, she pawned all her possessions for a silver dollar. When it rains, it pours'she was taken in by the pawn shop owner with a fake coin. She had no way out but to die.

The young soldier felt very sympathetic and said to her, "What a tragic story. I have a silver dollar here; please take this to take care of your family. Please give me the fake silver coin so that others will not fall into the same plight."

Putting away the fake coin into his pocket, the young soldier hurried on to report to duty. In a fierce battle, he was struck in the chest. The bullet hit and left a dent on the fake coin, and he was spared. The young soldier clapped his hands and exclaimed, "Well worth it! This coin is worth a million."

With a thought of compassion, a dollar coin saved the woman and her family. It also extended the young soldier's life.

The power of money, even as little as a dollar, is immense. There is a saying, "A dollar can subdue a great warrior." For the sake of money, some people are willing to break the law, creating a lot of troubles for themselves. Many young adults today do not know what it takes to earn a dollar. They are envious of the glamour and success of others, but are unwilling to work for it. They just want a "fast buck," and may even resort to all kinds of crimes including theft, robbery, burglary, and murder. Not only do they disrupt the safety and peace of society, they end up in prisons or even lose their own lives. One such example is Kao-hua Hsieh, the convicted killer who planted a bomb inside the Ta T'ung department store. In contrast, there are also many righteous people throughout history who would rather maintain their moral standards than to bow to the power of money. Among Chinese historic figures, Yuan-ming T'ao refused to kow-tow for five Chinese pecks of rice (approximately thirteen pounds of rice in total), and Lu Ch'ien, although completely destitute, would not lower his moral standards to those of corrupt officials.

Money can change people's lives. As each one of us has varying views of money, we use and handle money differently, resulting in many drastically different circumstances and destinies.

C. How an Event Can Change One's Life

In addition to people and money, events can also affect human destiny. Edison invented the light bulb and became a world-famous and well-respected inventor, As he "lit" up the world for all human kind, he freed us from the torment and inconvenience of darkness. Nobel discovered explosives. On one hand, how much pain was levied on the human race due to misuses by certain power mongers? On the other hand, the Nobel Prize has been a catalyst for much social progress and advance in world civilization. How much good has it bestowed upon us? Other similar events can have equally unparalleled powers to bring forth both great blessings and massive calamities.

The past Prime Minister Tanaka of Japan fell from political pinnacle to criminal indictment because of bribery. Although he was once the most powerful politician in Japan, he was not above the law and was sentenced to serve time in jail. In the United States, the Watergate scandal unseated the late former President Nixon from the most coveted position in the world. An event can bring us extraordinary glories; it can also cause us deep embarrassment. We should exercise caution!

I have an unforgettable personal story, the events of which cemented my devotion to the cause of Buddhism. Even when I recall the incident today, I am moved and choked with emotions. I was brought up in a temple and had always lived a life of bare necessities. I had always been very healthy. However, when I was about seventeen or eighteen years old, I fell very sick. I vomited and had diarrhea. My life was in grave danger because I was unable to hold down any food for almost a month or two. I did not know how it happened, but somehow my master heard the news. He sent over half a bowl of pickled vegetables. Using the economic standards of today, there is nothing special about half a bowl of pickled vegetables. In those times of impoverishment, those pickled vegetables were like gourmet food. I can still remember how I was filled with gratitude. My eyes welled up with tears as I finished the half bowl of pickled vegetables. As I felt the unspoken love and care of my master, I vowed to myself, "Master, to repay your kindness, I will dedicate myself to promote Buddhism and to spread the Dharma so that all sentient beings can be benefited." That half bowl of pickled vegetables gave me unending strength's my faith in Buddhism has been unmovable, and I have been able to willingly deal with whatever hardships that have come my way.

There are countless examples of past venerable masters who changed their destinies because of an event in their lives. The Sixth Patriarch emerged out of his shell of ignorance while pounding rice. Master Hsiang-yen Chih-hsien was enlightened while tilling the soil. Countless Ch�an masters saw through the subtleties of Ch'an teaching at the sight of flowers blossoming and wilting. Countless Buddhists have achieved clear understanding at the sight of the rising sun and of the moon. Countless traveling monastics extinguished the flame of anger and hatred in their minds when looking at the beautiful mountains and clear rivers. If we can reflect on the events around us carefully, we may see them in a totally different light.

D. How a Word Can Change One's Life

Before becoming a monk, Ch'an Master Tan Hsia of the Tang Dynasty had originally planned to travel to the capital for the national examination. On the way there, he met a monk who advised him, "Taking the examination for government positions can only bring you worldly fame and fortune. You will be much better off going to study Ch'an instead. You then may attain emancipation from the mundane world." Hearing these words, he changed his mind and went to the temple to become a monk and study Ch'an. Eventually he became an eminent Ch'an master. These words acted like the stroke of a club, waking him up from his worldly dreams and opening up an entirely new world for him.

The Buddha had two famous disciples, Sariputra and Maudgalyayana. Before they became Buddhist monks, they were Brahman leaders. One day, while they were meditating, a disciple of the Buddha by the name of Asvajit passed by them during his alms round. He was reciting to himself the verse the Buddha had taught him, "All phenomena arise out of causes and conditions; all phenomena cease due to causes and conditions. Lord Buddha, my great teacher, has always taught thus." When Sariputra and Maudgalyayana heard these words, they both felt as if they had just seen the first light of the morning emerging from total darkness. At this moment, they seemed to see through the world. From overhearing a single verse, their wisdom sprouted, and they were able to understand the truth of the universe. Dear audience, when you just heard the verse, "All phenomena arise out of causes and conditions; all phenomena cease due to causes and conditions," what do you feel? To us, it may seem ordinary. To the two wise men, however, it was an explosion. It was a key. It shattered all confusions and it opened up the truth of the universe. When they heard those words, they converted from Brahmanism to Buddhism. They became disciples of the Buddha and attained the fruit of Arhatship.

Once, someone asked the Ch'an master Chao-ch'u, "When the universe is annihilated, does the body still exist?" The Ch'an master nonchalantly replied, "Just let it go." After the encounter, he did not quite feel satisfied with his answer. When great calamities occur as the world undergoes the decaying processes, will our bodies still exist? Simply because he was not pleased with his reply, "Just let it go," the eighty year old Chao-ch�u put on his shoes and journeyed over many miles to seek the answer. Later, people would often refer to this episode affectionately as follows, "For the one sentence of 'Just let it go,' the monk traveled over thousands of mountains." Dear friends, are there not many people who have had their lives changed because of a few words from their parents, friends or loved ones? Sometimes, a few words of encouragement can lift us up from the depths of depression. At other times, a few words of denouncement can sink us into the pit of pain. "Kind speech" is one of the Four Bodhisattva Persuasive Actions; we should speak kind words frequently. The use of kind words reflects well on us and is a form of generosity toward others.

E. How a Thought Can Change One's Life

Life can be changed by a person, a dollar, an event or a word. A thought can also turn us one hundred and eighty degrees. A thought can enable one to become a sage or remain an ignorant fool. It can make a person reach all corners of the universe, from heaven to hell. Thus, it is extremely important to focus one's mind and practice right mindfulness.

Mr. Feng-hsi Cheng, one of the ten most outstanding youths in Taiwan, was handicapped from birth. He used his hands as feet and was the subject of ridicule of his young ignorant playmates. However, due to his conviction, "I have to stand up," he was able to finish his college education. He is our model of someone who struggles hard to improve himself. Ms. Helen Keller was a blind deaf mute. She grew up in a world of silence and darkness. In order to repay her teacher's patience and mentoring, she worked incessantly to improve herself and became a respected and courageous individual. Although she could not speak, she was nevertheless able to tour the world giving speeches through the use of sign language. With her speeches, she raised the world's consciousness on the plight of the disabled. Royalty and world leaders were honored to hear her "speak." Helen Keller, with her endless efforts, brought hope and light to millions of blind and deaf people. She became a symbol of hope for the unfortunate!

Throughout Buddhist history, innumerable masters were able to endure all kinds of hardships just because of a single thought of devotion. They dedicated their lives to spreading the Dharma. In the Tang Dynasty, there was the legendary Venerable Hsuan-tsang. As a young monk, he realized there was a shortage of translated Buddhist scriptures in China, so he developed the thought of making a pilgrimage to India to bring more Buddhist scriptures back to China. Because of this thought, he traveled to India and lived there for eighteen years. He brought back numerous sutras and became the renowned "Master of the Tripitaka." His idea changed his life and opened a new chapter in Chinese Buddhist history. His contribution was a bright spot in history and his impacts are forever timeless.

The Venerable Chien-chen of the Tang Dynasty was deeply impressed by the sincerity of student monks who came from Japan to China to learn about the Dharma, and consequently his thought of bringing Buddhism to Japan was born. During the course of twelve years and seven attempts, he grew older and became blind, but he would not give up his idea. After many countless hardships, he finally succeeded in reaching Japan to promulgate the Vinaya there. Even today, the Japanese methods of constructing houses are styled after the Chinese, and Japanese customs closely resemble the Chinese ones. Chopsticks usage and agricultural methods such as sowing and transplanting were introduced by the Chinese. Venerable Chien-chen was credited with bringing the Chinese way of life to Japan, and he was honored as the "Father of Japanese culture." The one thought of spreading Buddhism to Japan opened up a new path for him, helped to develop Japanese Buddhist culture, and altered the lifestyles of the whole country. The Master's exemplary act of "never forgetting your initial determination to attain enlightenment," gave us a whole new dimension in understanding the phrase "missionary courage."

II. What Controls Destiny?

We lead different lives with dissimilar circumstances. Sometimes, when we witness other's success, we will inevitably think of our misfortunes. We become discouraged and complain, "It is all a matter of timing, luck, and destiny." When we are melancholic about our misfortunes, we put the blame on others, on gods, and complain about divine arrangements. In reality, our destinies are not in others' hands. What then controls destiny? It is ourselves. Yet, how do we actually control our own destinies?

A. Habits control destiny

There is a Buddhist saying, "Defilement is difficult to sever; the force of habit is even harder to change." Bad habits cause us endless miseries for now and for millenniums ahead. Habits can influence our lives. When our deep-rooted habits develop into habitual forces, they become obstacles to our enlightenment. A person with a hot temper often yells at others. If this becomes habitual, he will not have many friends that he can draw upon to help him and thereby diminishing his chances to succeed. Some people are addicted to gambling and indulge in extravagance. They squander their family fortune, break up their own families, and destroy their own lives. Others like to lie and cheat; they betray others' trust. Although they may be able to scheme some temporary gratification, they will become isolated, as no one will trust them.

Some of today's juvenile delinquents actually come from well-to-do families. They develop bad habits and actually consider stealing as a hobby. They even proceed to rob and kill others. Not only do they hurt the welfare of others, they also wreck their futures. Bad habits are like narcotics; before long, they have perverted our souls, corrupted our lives, and destroyed our happiness. How can we not be careful!

B. Superstitions Control Destiny

Although we may think that superstition is a unique product of Eastern culture, it is also found in the West. There is a common belief that Friday the thirteenth is a day that people should not do much but stay at home. Since thirteen is an unlucky number, Friday the thirteenth is considered a "Black Friday." Even though there may be great business opportunities waiting, people may miss them because of this superstition.

There are many superstitions in our society. A high rise should not have a fourth floor because the sound of the number four in Chinese is very similar to that of the word death, and living on the fourth floor would bring bad luck to the occupants. Travelers should never stay in room number nine of a hotel because the Chinese word nine reminds people of death also. Superstition has other far-reaching impacts on our lives. Some people read their horoscopes before doing anything. Is this really reliable? Although some people pick lucky days for their weddings, their marriages still end in divorce. Parents want to have the fortunes of their newborns told. They only feel reassured if their newborns wear gold and silver charms on their chests and backs to ensure good fortune. If fortune tellers are so reliable, can they foresee their own futures? During the Chinese New Year, it is customary to sweep the floor towards the inside, not the outside, of the house in the fear that money will be swept away. Some people say pregnant women should not recite the Diamond Sutra because the Sutra is too powerful and may cause miscarriages. The Diamond Sutra is a sacred scripture. Reciting the Sutra will not harm the baby; it is good "prenatal" education for the baby and the baby's wisdom will grow. There is another strange custom in Taiwan. When a daughter passes away, she can still be married off. There are many nice young men who would not marry a good woman but would instead marry a memorial tablet. Superstition is like a rope that tightly binds our hands and feet until we cannot move. Superstitious acts are like dark clouds casting heavy shadows, shrouding the radiance of our true nature and impacting heavily on our futures.

B. Emotions Control Destiny

Not that long ago, newspapers in Taiwan reported on an affair between Wen-pin Li, the chief of Lu Chou village of Taipai County, and an actress. Since the case had to be settled in court, a private emotional dispute became public knowledge. This dispute not only put a damper on his future but also on the family honor. Throughout a lifetime, it is usually the pulls and tugs of relationships that impact one the most. Lots of people ruin their futures because of rocky emotional relationships. There are numerous examples of happy families being ruined by infidelity. If one cannot handle emotions and relationships appropriately, grave misfortunes will follow in step.

It is said in the sutra, "One will not be born into the saha world if one does not have strong passions." Some people can resist fame and glory, but they cannot free themselves from the emotional bondages of their family, of their friends, or of their lovers. They are mired in pain. To free ourselves from these shackles, we must use the right wisdom and open up our minds. We should control our passions and not be controlled by them.

C. Power Controls Destiny

Power is an important influence in our destinies. People usually want power right after wealth. There is a saying, "The combination of wealth and power is like a tiger getting wings." The desire for power can, however, corrupt our true nature. Too many people have lost themselves, their most valuable possession, in the midst of glory and power. After they have a sample of power, they no longer can taste the true flavor of life. Power changes our lives profoundly.

Regarding the control power exerts over our destinies, we can address the issue in the following areas:

1) Divine Power

Some people have to seek directions from gods for whatever they do, be it planning for a funeral, a wedding, or other celebrations. They have to seek divination before they have peace of mind. They do not care if what they are doing is moral or not, if whoever they have to deal with is righteous or not. They believe that as long as the gods will it, it can be done. They blindly follow what they believe are gods' directions, without thinking anything over for themselves. They completely rely upon their gods to make decisions for them. Like the saying, "Care not about the mortals, but only about divine consent," these people hand over their lives to their gods with both hands and willingly become their gods' slaves. This is the utmost folly. According to Buddhism, even gods cannot escape from the force of karma and the cycles of rebirths; how then can they have the authority to control our destinies?

2) Political Power

Political power controls the life of the masses. If we open a history book, we can easily see the disparity between the lives of those who lived under the rule of a wise and judicious king and those under a tyrant. When we examine today's societies, those who live in open, democratic, and developed countries are much better off than those living in hellish countries, suffering under despotic, autocratic, and dictatorial rule. We are very fortunate indeed.

3) Family Power

The encouragement of family members can make a child grow strong and ensure that the child walks on the path of success. Family relationships, however, can become excess baggage in a child's cultivation. When I was preaching in Penghu thirty years ago, the niece of a retired mayor gave a very well-received speech on Buddhism. She was a young girl of about seventeen or eighteen years of age. She was very attractive and talented. When the audience saw her great potential, they encouraged her to study in a Buddhist college to further learn about Buddhism. She replied, "No, I cannot. Father said that I should stay home to care for Grandmother." For her grandmother, she gave up the opportunity for higher education. Twenty years later and under her tender care, her grandmother passed away peacefully. From a young girl, she became a middle-aged woman.

A forty-year-old still has a lot of future left. Some people once again encouraged her to seize the opportunity to study Buddhism. She replied hesitantly, "Mother and Father said I should care for my aging aunt." Another opportunity slipped away. After another ten years, she was in her fifties, the waning years of her life. The aspiration and vitality of youth had gone with time. Her life was sacrificed for the love of family. In our society, many young talents are stifled by the love of family. Real parental love gives a child room to grow and to mold his/her future. Exercising undue control over a child's life can lead to a life full of regrets.

4) The Power of Desires

Desires can exert a frightening hold on our lives and destinies. Desires often enslave us and lead us by our noses. When we see others' big mansions and fancy cars, our greed takes over our thinking. Even though these luxuries are beyond one's means, one may resort to stealing, swindling, robbing and other unlawful means to pursue such luxuries. Desires can tempt us to break the law and become a threat to the society. There are numerous crime stories in newspapers; they are human tragedies of people who have submitted to the power of their desires.

E. Karma Controls Destiny

The greatest power controlling life is karma. Karma is the product of our acts, including our speech, our thoughts and our actions. They are collectively called the "karma of the body, mouth, and mind." It is said that "All good and evil deeds have their consequences; it is just a matter of time." Karma can be divided into good or bad karma. We have to face the consequences of our acts, be they good or bad, when the time comes. Karma determines destiny without exception. Although karma controls our lives, we in turn control our karma. If we can modify our conduct, if we can refrain from evil, and if we can do good, our destinies will be bright and smooth.

Apart from good and bad, there are other types of karma. Karma that just affects a single individual is called "individual karma," while karma that affects the whole community is called "common karma." For example, people who are born and raised in Taiwan have the same common karma. Although everyone in this saha world has the same common karma, some live in Asia while others live in America. There are skin colors of yellow, white, brown, and black. These differences arise because of our own individual karma. Apart from individual and common karma, there are also "determined karma" and "undetermined karma." While some are born into wealth, others are born into poverty. Which family we were born into is beyond our control because it has been decided by our determined karma. Our future, however, has yet to be decided and is called undetermined karma. Our future will be determined by our deeds of today. Karma has a great deal of influence on our lives.

Karma controls destiny, but how does it work itself out? According to the sutra, it is said that the weightiest common karma will be actualized first. Karma can also be played out through our habits or through our strongest recollections. From a time perspective, some of the karma from our acts of this lifetime will ripen in this life, while others will ripen in the next life, or even in a few lifetimes from now. This can be compared to planting fruit trees. Some fruit trees bear fruit the year we plant the tree, others bear fruit only after a few seasons. Regardless of whether we have to wait one, two or several years, if we want to harvest nice juicy fruits, we have to diligently sow the seeds. Similarly, if we want to enjoy the rewards of good karma, we have to plant the seeds of good karma.

III. How To Change Destiny

Although habits, superstitions, emotions, power, desires, and karma can control our destinies, we can still change our destinies. All these controlling factors, from habits to karma, are nothing but our own doings. If we can maintain right mindfulness and be careful in our speech and actions, we can still change a destiny of misfortune into a life of brightness and beauty. How, then, can we alter our destinies? What are the methods available?

A. Views and Perspectives Can Change Destiny

After enlightenment, the Buddha revealed to us the truth of sufferings and also taught us the way to eradicate sufferings by following the Eightfold Noble Path. The most important element of the Eightfold Noble Path is Right View. Only when we have the right view do we have a benchmark for the other seven elements. Only then will we not go astray. Right view means correct understanding and perspectives. Correct perspective is most critical in progressing one�s cultivation and building one�s career. It is also a cornerstone for social progress, economic prosperity, and world peace. Take the example of Hitler. Although he was an intelligent man, he lacked the right view and right understanding. Besides having the ambition to rule the world, he also built many concentration camps and even found enjoyment in the torture of millions of the innocent. His corrupt knowledge and evil views rewrote European history, brought on a great human tragedy, and also altered the course of German history, which remained separated into East and West Germany until most recently. According to Buddhism, someone with shortcomings in his/her behavior is corrigible; however, someone with evil views can bring great calamities to the society and is much more difficult to reform.

Although there are many factors leading to personal success, correct perspectives are key ingredients. For example, a parent complains about his lazy son. The son may have no regret at all; instead he may compound the situation, "You said I am lazy. Okay, I will become a total failure to get back at you." He gives up and willfully becomes a failure. Another person, in a similar situation, will look within and amend his ways. He works hard to become a success in order to improve others' opinions of him. Two people, in a similar situation with differing views, yield totally different results. Taking it a step further, if we are positive, progressive and optimistic, no matter what obstacles confront us, we will fight to tread a new path. We can taste the joy of living in the midst of sorrow. However, if we are passive, regressive, and pessimistic, our outlook will be gray and miserable. To such a person, life is superfluous. From this, we can see how our views and perspectives can alter our lives and destinies. A generous person will have an enriched destiny; a miserly person will have an impoverished destiny. If you can look at the world with compassion, life is joyful, the world is beautiful, and the saha world is Pure Land. If you look at the world with hatred, even a pure and cool Buddha Land will be transformed into a house on fire. For a good destiny, we have to cultivate a right view and perspective.

B. Beliefs Can Change Destiny

A life with beliefs is like a voyage with destination, a journey with directions. It gives purpose to a task, and helps us to expeditiously work toward our goal without any wasted efforts. The power derived from beliefs is like a motor that gives us the energy to proceed and to change our destinies.

We cannot overestimate the importance of beliefs, yet beliefs are not limited to religion. The passion that artists have for their art is like a belief. They are willing to put out their entire effort for the creation of a masterpiece. We can open books on the history of human civilization and read how numerous scholars and philosophers have dedicated their lives to their ideals and principles'the numerous schools of thinkers of the Early Ch'in Dynasty and the recent Russian Nobel Literature Prize laureate Mr. A. I. Solzhenitsyn are good examples. The legendary General Fei Yueh of the Sung Dynasty believed in loyalty to his country, and ultimately he sacrificed his life for his belief. His belief of "utmost loyalty" to his country changed his life and became a model of unswerving allegiance in Chinese history. Even today, he is still worshipped as a folk hero and his influence on people can still be felt.

A country's destiny is determined by the beliefs and principles of its citizens. If we can all believe in The Three Principles of People (by Dr. Sun Yat-sen) and work together to build our country according to its ideals, it will not be long before our country will become prosperous and strong.

Of all beliefs, religious belief is the most powerful. With a strong religious faith, a person can accept the misfortune and duress of life with grace and ease. Religious faith can give us courage to endure the most serious setbacks. It opens our hearts and minds to bear the apparent unfairness in life, and it takes our destinies to a totally different dimension.

C. Building Good Causal Relationships Can Change Destiny

No man is an island; we are all members of the society. Our life is intertwined with the public at large. Our daily necessities are produced by the cooperation of different levels of society. Our knowledge is the result of the patient teaching provided by our teachers at school. Without them, we would remain ignorant. Even when we finally work in society, we need the help of our colleagues and the mentoring of our superiors before we can reach our potential and be able to make a contribution. If we want to be effective and successful, we need to maintain friendly relationships with others. In Buddhism, the phrase "building good causal relationships" means constructing amiable social connections with others.

The sutra says, "Before learning the Buddhist teachings, work to establish good causal relationships with others first." If we want to build a multitude of good causal relationships with others, we should be friendly and helpful. With the established relationships, we will be rewarded with great convenience in doing any task. Helping others is really helping yourself. When we give to others, we are actually giving to ourselves. As we all are one, we should not look at us versus them; it is only through helping others that we can fulfill ourselves. Thus, Bodhisattvas look at helping sentient beings as a means of cultivation. It is through building Dharma relationships with all sentient beings that Bodhisattvas reach Buddhahood. Building good causal relationships does not only change our destiny, it is also an important gateway for entering into the Buddhist teachings. In our daily lives, a friendly smile, a word of encouragement, a helping hand, and a sincere concern can all bring great joy to others and help to strengthen friendly relations. Building good causal relations broadens our horizon and paves the way for a good destiny. With such benefits, why should we not do it?

D. Upholding the Precepts Can Change Destiny

In addition to views, beliefs, and building good causal relationships, upholding the precepts can also change our destinies. Refraining from killing prolongs a short life span. Refraining from stealing transforms poverty into wealth. Refraining from sexual misconduct builds family harmony. Refraining from lying brings a good reputation. Refraining from intoxicants protects health and our mental faculties. Observing the precepts can change a life of misery into a happy and healthy one.

In the sutra there is a story of how the act of protecting life altered a destiny. Once, there was a merchant who went shopping in the market. There he saw a little caged turtle staring at him with teary eyes. At that very moment, a thought of compassion arose in his heart, and he decided to buy the turtle. He took the turtle to the pond and set it free. After a while, when the merchant was out on business, he was robbed by bandits while traveling on a mountain road. The bandits took all his money and pushed him into a lake. Just as he was drowning, he felt a support under his feet. With the help of this support, he was able to make it safely to shore. When he stopped to take a look back, it was the little turtle that he had saved earlier, together with his companions, coming to repay the merchant for his life. If we can refrain from killing and protect the lives of all sentient beings, our blessings will definitely grow.

Everyone has a destiny. It is controlled by many factors. How can we break loose of these controls and build our own lives? To do so, we must have a right view, a strong faith, build a multitude of good causal relations, and uphold the precepts. In this way, we are not under the control of our destinies, but can freely master them.

IV. The Buddhist View on Life and Destiny

Destiny is such a wondrous mystery. What is the Buddhist view on the subject then? There are four points to address.

A. Buddhism Believes Destiny is Not Fixed; Instead, It Is Alterable

Although Buddhism believes in the existence of destiny, it differs from the pre-determinism of other religions. Buddhism teaches that all existence arises out of causes and conditions, and that existence is empty without a separate independent self nature. Thus destiny is also dependent on causes and conditions, and is without an independent self nature. We can rely on planting good seeds to alter our misfortunes. There is a famous tale of a young sramanera (novice monk) which illustrates this point well.

Once, there was an old Arhat master. In his samadhi, he saw that one of his favorite young disciples had only seven more days to live. He thought to himself, "Why does this good child only have seven more days to live? This is most unfortunate! I cannot tell him this. How can he withstand such trauma?"

Early the next day, the master contained his sadness and asked the sramanera to come before him, "My good child, you have not seen your parents for a long time. Go home and pay them a visit."

The sramanera, not knowing what was going to happen, felt his master was acting in an odd manner. Nonetheless, he packed and happily said goodbye to his master and went on his way. Seven days went by, and the sramanera had not returned. The Arhat, who had severed all defilements, still was concerned about the welfare of his sramanera. He was just grieving the fact that he would never see his young discple again when the sramanera suddenly returned. The Arhat was shocked. He held the sramanera�s hand, looked him over carefully, and asked, "How did you manage to return safely? What have you done in the last few days?"

The sramanera shook his head in puzzlement and replied, "Nothing."

The Arhat pursued further, "Think carefully. Did you see anything? Do anything?"

"Oh, it is coming back to me now. On my way home, I passed by a pond and saw a colony of ants drowning. So I picked up a leaf and ferried them all to shore," the sramanera replied earnestly. His dark eyes gleamed with the light of happiness.

After the Arhat heard the sramanera, he went into his meditation to see the destiny of the young sramanera. Not only was he not going to die a young death, his life was extended to a hundred years. By a thought of compassion, he saved the ants' lives and changed his destiny.

Besides compassion, merits can also change a life from bad to good. Some people feel that because of their heinous crimes, they are beyond help and there is no way they can turn their lives around. This is not the case at all. Buddhism believes that even the gravest karma can be lessened. This can be compared to a handful of salt put into a glass of water. The water will be too salty to drink. If the salt is poured into a basin or a tank of water, it will not be salty at all. The salt of sins, no matter how strong, can be diluted by the plentiful water of good merits even to the point of being palatable. In a neglected field where weeds have grown among the rice seedlings, if we work diligently to eradicate the weeds, the rice seedlings will have a chance to grow. Once the rice seedlings of merit are tall and strong, even if there are a few weeds here and there, the harvest will still be bountiful. Even the karma of the most deadly sins can be modified by the strength of virtues and merits.

One of the ten great vows of Samantabhadra is to repent all evil deeds. Repentance is a way to alter our destiny. It will eradicate the evil karma, giving room for our wisdom and blessings to grow. Dirty laundry can be cleansed with pure water. A filthy body can be washed clean through bathing. A sinful mind can be sanctified with the Dharma water of sincere repentance, returning it to its original state. There is a saying that, "Repent your old sins according to your circumstances and conditions, and do not commit new ones." If we can be sincere and steadfast in our repentance, we can remove the filth of our defilements and let the originally pure true nature show through. Repentance is a very important form of religious service in the Buddhist liturgy. Many venerables of the past have set examples for us on how to conduct repentance services. Examples include the Compassion Water Repentance Service, Emperor Wu�s Repentance Service, and the Three Modes of Repentance of the Tien Tai School.

Destiny is not unalterable. It can be affected by compassion, merits, and repentance. The accumu-lation of merits and virtues can bring a new life out of the most hopeless situation. On the other hand, if a person with a good destiny does not know how to treasure it, he will suffer failures. Just like the saying, "When you live in safety, watch out for disaster." We should take this to heart!

B. Buddhism Regards the Past as Important, but Places More Emphasis on the Future

In Buddhism, the law of cause and effect spans over the past life, the present life, and the future life. Although Buddhism believes that our fate is determined by causes from the past, it emphasizes more what can be done now to build a better future. The past cannot be changed, and brooding over it does not do any good. The present and the future are in our hands. If we can make use of the present properly, a bright future awaits us. Thus, according to Buddhism, one should not wallow in one's past regrets, but should actively pursue an infinitely hopeful future.

How do we change a life of misfortune into a beautiful future? To do so, we have to improve our character, have a transformation of heart, learn to turn around, and make amends. There is a common saying, "It is easier to move mountains than to change one's character." If we can change our entrenched bad habits, soften our hot tempers, and open ourselves up to others, our destinies will improve correspondingly. In this modern age of organ transplants, someone with heart disease can receive a new heart to enable them to lead a vibrant life. When one's physical heart has problems, one has to turn to surgery. When our spiritual heart is defective, we need to change it into a heart of virtue, kindness and righteousness before we can have a normal healthy life.

Character modification is the prescription for changing our destinies; repentance and making amends is the medicine for building new futures. A lot of headaches and sorrows arise because we do not know how to turn around. We just know how to blindly push forward, forcing ourselves unknowingly into a small corner. If we can always save some room to maneuver, to retreat and ponder, we will find that the world is much bigger and wider than we have ever imagined.

C. Buddhism Does Not Encourage People to Resign Themselves to Fate, but Teaches People to Build Their Own Destiny

In the midst of misfortune, some people think that their ill fate is gods' design, and that it is useless to struggle. They became glum, frustrated and passive. They put their precious future into the hands of their imagined gods and willingly become enslaved. Buddhism, however, believes that destiny is within our control. Nobody, not even gods, can dictate our destinies. We are our own masters; we are the architects of our own future. The Buddha is a good example that we can emulate.

Before achieving Buddhahood, the Buddha was a prince enjoying unparalleled worldly pleasure and respect. He was not satisfied with the palace lifestyle and refused to be a mediocre ordinary person. He relinquished his fame, wealth, family, and loved ones. He chose to seek the path of truth on his own, and in so doing, he built a boundless life for himself. The Buddha's enlightenment has also opened a new door for all sentient beings seeking a right happy future for themselves.

Human destiny is not fixed and unchangeable. Heaven cannot turn us into a saint, nor can it make us become lowly and humble. It is said that, "There is no natural Sakaymuni Buddha." All saints and sages accomplished their merits on their own accord. If we work diligently, the life of wisdom is just ahead of us.

D. Buddhism Not Only Encourages Us to Be Content, but Also Hopes that We Can Improve the Future

Confucius once said, "It was only when I was fifty that I knew what heaven had planned." If a sage like Confucius would see the truth of the universe only after he had reached mature middle age, we can understand that it is not an easy task to accept life as it is. Buddhism takes this a step further and teaches us that in addition to accepting life with grace, we must also take steps to improve our future.

The Buddha is a great religious teacher with concerns for all beings. He is also a courageous and moral revolutionary. The Buddha openly protested against the ills of the caste system and taught us how to eradicate all our spiritual ills. The Buddha's revolution is achieved not by hurting others, but by self-reflection. The Buddha's revolution is not aimed externally, but instead internally, by doing battles with our desires. It is only when we work courageously to transform ourselves that we can truly have a bright future.

Most of us fall into the trap of criticizing others' shortcomings and excusing our own. The Buddha taught the Dharma for several decades, giving us numerous methods to wash away the defilements of our hearts and minds to help us return them to their clear pure original state�our true nature. The process of cultivation is none other than the cleansing of our hearts and purification of our lives. It is just like when the sky is clear, the moon will naturally shine through. Similarly, when we are purified, it will be the time that we join the ranks of Buddhahood in the ultimate emptiness.

Because of the time limitation, I can hardly discuss all the questions concerning life and destiny in just two hours. It is our greatest hope that we can all build a brilliant future for ourselves. May good fortune be with you. Thank you all very much!

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